Kategorie: Plattenspieler

Ausstattungsliste: Hanss Acoustics T-28

Ausstattung & technische Daten
Type Rigid turntable with built in belt drive with suspension
Platter 28mm Precise CNC Solid Black POM Material
Sub Platter 21mm Precise CNC Aluminium
Bearing Magnetic Suspension Low Friction Precision European Ceramic Shaft with Stainless Steel Ball
Adjustable Bearing Thrust for Resonance control
Chassis 30mm Solid CNC Black Aluminium Brushed Plinth
Motor Synchronised European AC Motor,
Speed 33.3rpm/45rpm Manual Speed Selector
Pulley Aluminium
Colour Black
Tonearm Base HAT-I / Rega / Other 9” Tonearms with 22-23mm Pivot Type Tonearms.
HAT-I Tonearm
Dynamic balanced
Needle and vertical bearings in the same latitude
Moment of inertia and needle tracking co aligned
Anti Skate varies with the position over the record surface as to ensure correct both at the outer and inner groove
Adjustable bearing for elimination of bearing play and slack
Rigid and stiff design for elimination of arm flex and vibrational modes. ​
Pivot to stylus effective arm length 240mm
Spindle to pivot: 222 mm
Offset angle 23 degree
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ePaper Jahres-Archive, z.B. Klang & Ton

ePaper Jahres-Archive, z.B. Klang & Ton
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Interessante Links:
  • www.hausgeraete-test.de
  • www.heimwerker-test.de
  • hifitest.de/shop/
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